Quick Way To Speed Up WordPress

We all want our WordPress sites to run fast! There are many times plugins that are slowing the site down, or perhaps big database queries, and sometimes we need a better web host. But here is one method that I didn’t see mentioned too many places. First let’s setup:

Install the WP Query Monitor Plugin absolutely the best WordPress debugging tool around

Once that is installed make sure you are logged in as admin and on the top bar you should see the WP Query Monitor menu.

Now you can view if you have Plugin updates that are taking time on every page load checking for updates, and if so how long they are taking:

Wow – 6.8 seconds in my case just to check for plugin updates. This is probably faster when on a live server, but I was using my local one. So now the easy part, let’s disable all these extra API calls by installing Disable All WordPress Updates

After that, your speed issues if related to these plugin updates should be solved.